Church Ministries
We are always looking for new ways to help improve our community, our church, and ourselves. Here are a few groups and activities that take place in our facility. Feel free to contact us for more information.

Pray Where You Are
Join us every evening at 7:00 PM in a time of prayer. Simply stop wherever you are, whatever you are doing, and for a few minutes lift your concerns and praises to God, knowing that there are people praying with you at that same time. God will always hear our prayers and enjoys hearing from us, but this is a wonderful way to purposefully remind ourselves to take a few extra moments to spend with Him.

Bell Choir
Directed by a retired music teacher, our Bell Choir practices on a weekly basis on Tuesday nights. Through hard work, and the repetitive "one and two and three and four and" we prepare special music to help add another dynamic to Sunday worship once a month. If you are interested in participating in this group, please contact the church office for more details.

Vocal Choir
Directed by a current music teacher, our Vocal Choir works diligently to provide special music during our Sunday worship on a weekly basis. Practicing on Wednesday nights, we share in one voice to sing a variety of songs ranging from traditional standards to more contemporary works. If you are interested in participating in this group, please contact the church office for more details.
Methodist United Youth Group
First Church is honored to host the Methodist United Youth Group on the second and fourth Sundays of every month. This group is comprised of youth from grades 6 through 12 and is supported by the several United Methodist Churches in our area. It is a great time of fun, food, and fellowship that provides a safe place for these young adults to grow in their faith.