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Recorded Services
Our weekly Service will be live streamed on the Shamokin First UMC Facebook Page.
-Check out our Facebook Page by clicking HERE!
Past recordings can be found on our YouTube Channel
-Check out our YouTube Channel by clicking HERE!
4/12/20 - Easter Service
5/17/20 - Sixth Sunday in Easter
Acts 17:22-31 - "The Unknown God"
5/24/20 - Ascension Sunday
Acts 1:6-14 - "The Ascension of the Lord"
5/31/20 - Pentecost Sunday
Acts 2:1-21 -“Purpose Through the Spirit”
6/7/20 - Trinity Sunday
Micah 6:6-8 - "Wake Up!"

6/14/20 - Second Sunday After Pentecost
1 John 3:16-18 - "Only Love"
6/21/20 - Third Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon By Jason Aucker
6/28/20 - Fourth Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon By Mary Holingshead
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